Hey there, it's me! It's been awhile since my last post, but with the start of the New Year it's time for a fresh start. Yes, that's right a new look for Sweet Serendipity and more posts are headed your way, so stay tuned! That being said, I'm sure we all have a long list of changes we want to make this year, me included. But as I started this list I realized I was adding things that were meaningless. Sure they would help me improve some areas of my life, but I realized I was beginning to write things that were going to change me. I was writing down what I wanted to be instead of taking what I am now and improving myself. I was focusing on what I'm not instead of appreciating what I am. This year, lets not have high expectations for ourselves. Lets not make pages of things we've been meaning to get done. Lets choose to be happy and proud of who we are. This year, lets take baby steps to improving ourselves and make a list of things that really matter. We can get caught up in trying to make ourselves a completely different person, while sometimes that change is needed, for most of us it's not. Lets make this the year that we don't change ourselves but push ourselves to be better and most of all happy.
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