Sunday, December 27, 2015

Stephen's Third Birthday Party

Yesterday was Stephen's third birthday and I can't believe how big my little brother is getting. He has come such a long way from where he was 3 years ago, when he was born as a micropremie. The party was a small family get together since it was the day after Christmas. It was minion themed which I thought was perfect since Stephen looks like a little minion himself! His favorite present was his bright red tricycle he got from Nana. We took him outside so he could test it out and he was so excited, laughing and smiling the whole time! Being away at college from Stephen is sometimes hard because I miss some of his awesome moments as he's growing up, but I'm very lucky to have been able to celebrate his special day with him while I'm home. It was a very happy day for me and my little bundle of joy!!

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