Friday, January 8, 2016

Saying Goodbye

Last night I had to say goodbye to my best friend...again. Yesterday was Clark and I's last day together this winter break, but we made the most of it. We started the day together by getting breakfast and ending the day with dinner and just spending time together. It was so hard saying goodbye like always; some how I thought it would start getting easier but it never does. I saw this quote and I know it's a little cliche, but it really is true and helped me feel a little bit better. I am very grateful to have such an amazing person in my life that I care so much about, that I love dearly, and that I miss so much when we're apart.

On a happy note, I am planning to go visit Clark this semester since he came to visit me last semester. I can't wait to see the TCU campus and to meet all his friends that I hear so much about! This really gives me something to look forward to and to help keep my spirits up! To see more on how I keep my spirits up check out 10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Mood.

One thing that I think really stinks about a LDR is that you aren't able to capture your memories together as your relationship grows. And since Clark and I don't get to see each other that often during the school year, we don't have very many opportunities to take pictures together, so we decided to take as many as we could yesterday!

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