Friday, June 9, 2017

Eat With Me

I love food and I love to eat. My mom has always called me a "grazer" ever since I was a little girl. And it's true, I'm always eating! But the thing is, I don't eat huge amounts at a time and what I eat is good for me (for the most part). I'm sure we've all heard that 6 little meals throughout the day are better for you than 3 big meals. Honesty, I don't know. I'm not a health expert by any means and I'm not a dietitian. But what I do know is that what I eat has helped me stay healthy and keep off the little weight I gained freshman year. I usually eat breakfast and dinner and snack throughout the day. I'm not a big lunch person, so I just eat something small when I'm hungry, along with drinking lots of water. Here are some of the foods I eat throughout the day! (Not all of them in one day of course).

Oatmeal - This is what I typically eat for breakfast everyday. Especially when I'm away at college cause it's easy to pop in the microwave before class. I'm a big breakfast person and I have to eat before I start my day. Oatmeal is pretty filling believe it or not so it usually lasts me a long time until I get hungry again. Sometimes when I'm feeling extra hungry or know I won't eat for awhile, I'll slice up half a banana along with about half a spoonful of peanut butter and mix them in with my oatmeal. I know this might sound different, but it's so yummy, trust me!!

Banana with PB - Speaking of banana and peanut butter, this is one of my go to snacks! I usually get Jiff Natural Peanut Butter, which is supposively more natural and is quite delicious on my bananas. I also like to do this with apples. I'll get a package of apple slices and eat them with my PB too!

Premier Protein Shakes - Sometimes when I'm really busy, I'll grab one of these to go! They're seriously so good, it tastes like a chocolate milkshake! They also make tons of other flavors too if you're not a chocolate person. What's great about these is that they actually fill you up and last you a long time until your next meal or snack!

Skinny Pop Popcorn- I eat this stuff when I'm craving something salty, like chips! The best thing about this snack is that it's not only super yummy, but it's only 39 calories per cup! I know right!!!

Yoplait Light Greek Yogurt - This is the best brand of greek yogurt I have found when it comes to taste. This brand makes a ton of different flavors and it tastes just like regular yogurt, not like that weird taste that some greek yogurts have. My favorite flavors are vanilla, strawberry banana, apple pie, boston cream pie, and strawberry cheesecake.

Lunch Meat & Cheese Roll Ups - Like I said, I'm not really a lunch person so I don't like to eat sandwiches that often, and I try not to eat bread. But in order to get some protein and make it kind of like I'm eating a sandwich, I'll take two pieces of lunch meet and roll that up into a thin slice of cheese. My favorite is Sargento Ultra Thin Cheese Slices because they're only 40 calories per slice!

Grapes - Lately I have been loving grapes, especially while I'm at the beach. They're super refreshing and tasty! Sometimes I'll even pop a handful in the freezer so I can eat them later and have frozen grapes! This is probably my favorite way to eat them because it's like eating an icee in every bite!

Halo Top Ice Cream - I love love love this stuff!! Ice cream is my favorite dessert and I honestly could eat it for every meal. The best part about this particular ice cream is that it's super low calorie. Like super low, like as low as 60 calories a serving or to put it in a different perspective, 240 calories in a whole pint. I KNOW RIGHT. This is the best thing to happen to me. Seriously. And you know what else? There are some many delicious flavors and they're actually really good. The flavors range from plain vanilla and chocolate to flavors like s'mores, birthday cake, mint chocolate, cookie dough, sea salt caramel and so much more. I could tell you all the flavors I love but that would take forever. Just go try for your self!!

For dinner, my family eats pretty healthy. We actually don't eat carbs that much, but we do eat special things like fish tacos or burrito bowls and have our occasional baked potato! Some of my favorite dinner foods are salmon or grilled chicken. My dad is a great cook and comes up with all these different ways to prepare grilled chicken along with these incredible different sauces. Some of my other favorites are spaghetti squash, green beans and cauliflower. We usually always have a side salad and my favorite dressing lately has been honey mustard from Newman's Own. It's 70 calories per 2 tablespoons, which is pretty good compared to dressings like ranch or thousand island.

There are so many other foods that I eat and love. This is by no means what I eat every single day. Like I said, I love breakfast foods and I have a sweet tooth. These are just some of my favorite foods I have been loving lately that are actually healthy, or healthy-ish. But all in all I've come to realize it's all about moderation in order to stay happy and healthy!


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