Friday, July 15, 2016

Advice for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships are becoming more and more common it seems. But, to be honest they aren't easy and the thought of it is a scary thing. Lucky for Clark and I, we had been dating for two and half years before we started long distance. We had the benefit of already knowing everything about each other from our personalties to they way we communicate. This strong background with each other helped our LDR a little bit when we were first starting out. Even so, I was still terrified and didn't want to leave Clark when it was time for us to leave for college. Not truly knowing what it was going to be like 569 miles away from him and if our relationship would suffer because of the distance was what scared me most. Now, having been long distance for our first year in college, we know what it's like and how to make it work. If you're considering a LDR and are unsure of how to make it work or even if you are already in one and want some advice, here are some helpful tips to get you started or back on the right track!

1. Have a conversation

The first thing to do when thinking about pursuing your relationship long distance is to make sure you're both on the same page. In other words, you need to have a conversation about your future; when will your distance end? what is the end goal of your long distance relationship? These types of questions will give each of you a better understanding of the others perspective of pursuing your relationship. If you are worried because you have not yet had this type of conversation, now is your time. Obviously if you are both willing to not give up and pursue your relationship no matter the distance, you can possibly see a future with this person.

2. Commitment

In order to make a long distance relationship work, there is no doubt that you have to be committed to each other and your relationship. Without this commitment there could be confusion and heartache. With commitment comes trust. When you trust your boyfriend/girlfriend you won't worry that he or she is going to do anything to sabotage your relationship.

3. Communication

Communication is a big part in any relationship but in a LDR you have to in order for it to work. Now I don't just mean the act of talking on the phone, skyping or texting. I mean the types of conversations you're having. Ask each other about their day, tell them a crazy story, ask for advice on school work, tell them how much they mean to you. These types of conversations keeps you a part of the other persons life. Since you are not physically together, communicating your love for one another is one of the main ways to show them your love. You also need to be sure and tell your partner how you're feeling or if something is wrong because since that are not there to see you they will have no way on knowing unless you tell them.

4. Don't let the rest of your life suffer

Just because you're in a LDR and miss your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't mean you have to mope around and be lonely all the time. You need to keep living your life, going to class/work and hanging out with your friends. Sure sometimes I don't feel like being social because I miss Clark but I never make that a habit. In fact, going out and and doing stuff with my friends is a great way to keep me busy and have fun instead of just thinking about how much I miss him. This is a big thing for both Clark and I, neither of us want the other to be sad because were not together and miss out on the fun opportunities that college has to offer.

5. Know that it will just stink at times

LDR's just plain stink. You're away from the person you love for long periods of time and miss them and just want to be with them. But you have to remember that you're going through this together and the moment you see them after a long time makes the distance absolutely worth it.

6. There are POSITIVES

Even though it can be hard at times there are so many positive things that come a long with a LDR. As I pointed out the importance of communication earlier, the good thing about an LDR is it forces you to communicate. There would basically be no relationship if you didn't and an LDR gives you the chance to have really strong communication with your partner which will definitely be beneficial for your relationship when you're no longer separated by distance. Another positive thing is how strong your relationship will become. You both are going through a hardship and are working through it together with the help of one another, trusting and leaning on each other. Once you over come the distance your relationship will be able to go through just about anything because of how strong it has become. One of my favorite things about an LDR is the traveling. Thinking about and planning trips for me to go see Clark and vice versa makes me so excited for our next adventure together.

Hopefully these tips helped if you're in a long distance relationship or are about to be in one! Just remember that the distance between you won't be forever, and if you care about this person enough, the distance won't matter because they are worth fighting for!!!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How to Survive Your Freshman Year of College

{ Thanks to Wonderlass for the photo! }

I remember it like yesterday, hugging my parents for the last time before they left me. As they pulled out of the parking lot I was officially on my own. A sudden panic overwhelmed me. I was at college and I had no idea what I was doing. I remember feeling like I was living a dream, that any minute they would come back and get me and take me home. Part of me couldn't believe my parents were actually going to just leave me there. Just like that I became responsible for myself, my parents were no longer there to help me, I had to do everything on my own and that scared me. The first few days of college I didn't know how I was going to survive. I missed my family and friends (and my bed) and I was terrified of my first day of classes. But now that a year of college has come and gone I wish I could have gone back to that moment and tell myself, "don't worry, you'll figure it out, it's way easier than you think." Freshman year of college is a lot of figuring it out as you go. However, somethings I wish I had known from that very day of my parents dropping me off. It would have saved me a lot of time and effort. And that's what I want to do for you, save you some time and effort by giving you some helpful tips to survive your first year of college!

Make Friends

The first thing anyone wants to do when they get to college is make friends and since everyone is in the same boat it's pretty easy to do. There will be a lot of events just for Freshmen to meet people. Even though this may sound weird or intimidating, you never know who you could meet and get to know. Lucky for me, my roommate and I became really good friends very fast, so we were always together. One thing we did to meet girls in our dorm was leave our door open. This gave us the chance to talk to girls as they walked by and invite anyone in to meet us. Another opportunity that's great for meeting people is joining a club or an organization. For me, I joined the Greek Community which has given me the opportunity to make some awesome friends!

Manage Your Time

If you only take away one thing from this I hope it would be this tip. Managing your time is such a big skill that you need to learn how to do. There are so many things going on from classes to your social life to other commitments, knowing how to plan your day to fit in all the things you need to get done will make your life a lot less stressful. To do this, you need to be organized, something like a planner or agenda will help a lot with this. You can write in your homework due dates and any important events so you can plan ahead when it comes to your school work. In college, you always have something to do (or that you should be doing) so planning ahead will be very helpful.

Always Go to Class

Sometimes going to class is the last thing you want to do. But as hard as it is, fight the urge and go. Missing class in college is completely different than missing class in high school. There's no makeup work and missing a class worth of notes is a big deal. It makes a big difference when it comes to studying; it's hard to study when there's a big chunk of information missing from your notes. While we're on the topic of note taking, taking good notes is obviously pretty important. Write down everything, be present while you're in class and ask questions. When you pay attention while writing down what you hear and ask when you don't understand something, studying becomes a lot easier. Even though asking a question in a big auditorium can be intimidating, you have nothing to worry about, no one is judging you, no one cares, and half of them aren't even paying attention anyway.

Review Before and After Class

I struggled with this a lot. As much as I knew it would benefit me, I usually wanted to take the few minutes before or after class to relax before I had to do my next task of the day. But...when I read the chapter we were going to discuss in class before and reviewed over my notes after, I always felt more prepared for my tests and felt like I actually knew the information when I was studying. And when it comes to studying, don't procrastinate, it will definitely hurt you. It's not like high school where you can just study the night before and be fine.

Meet Your Professors

The first two weeks of classes make it a priority to go meet and talk with your professors. You will benefit greatly when your teacher knows your name and who you are in such a big class. Simply introduce yourself and tell them about who you are; just have a normal conversation! Your professors will give you their office hours on the first day when they give you their syllabus. Oh yeah...use your syllabus too!

Do Your Homework and Extra Credit Opportunities

Even though there isn't that much homework or extra credit in college, when there is always do it. You never know when you're going to bomb a test or miss a pop quiz. And half credit is always better than zero credit so do it even if it will be late!

Check Your Email Everyday

Every morning, when you're laying in bed or eating breakfast, scrolling through social media, make it a point to check your email too. This is how your professors communicate with you. And it's always nice to wake up to an email that says class is cancelled or your upcoming homework due date is pushed back. :)

Stay Healthy 

As busy as your life will be, it's important to take care of yourself. Eating bad is an easy habit to pick up in college so try to eat some fruits and vegetables every now and again. Be active and go to the gym or join an intramural sports team. The Freshman 15 is a real thing when you don't take care of your body like you should!


Most people say sleep doesn't exist in college which is true, unless you make it a priority. If you manage your time right sleeping shouldn't be an issue. Not to say that some nights you might be going to bed when the sun is coming up, but everyone has a few of those!

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

15 College Dorm Room Essentials

Leaving for your first year of college is such an exciting thing, but it can also be pretty stressful and if you're anything like me just the thought of packing all your belongings stresses you out. As I was making lists and buying things for my dorm room I always felt like I was forgetting something and worried that I didn't have everything I needed. But thanks to my awesome mom I had everything I needed and more. She made sure I had the things that most people don't think of or realize they need and these were the exact things I was nervous I would forget to bring with me to college. SO... to make your life easier I decided to make a list of things that you might forget to pack.

1.  Mattress topper/ Bed bug protector - If you don't already know then let me tell you now, dorm room mattresses are not comfortable. They feel like they're made of plastic and are not cushiony what so ever. And who even knows what nasty things are on them, considering they have been used by numerous people. What really made my bed comfy was a tempurpedic mattress topper, I need a comfortable bed when I sleep so I did go all out but even a less expensive foam mattress topper will make a difference. I also like to feel like I'm in a clean bed, so a bed bug mattress topper put my mind at ease that no bed bugs were getting me again (yes, it has happened to me before...not fun).

2.  Under bed storage - Lofting (or rising) your bed and using the space underneath for storage is a great use of space. I got plastic drawer storage bins to put clothes in considering I had little closet space. I also kept things like shoes and my laundry hamper under there. 

3.  Slimline hangers - As I said my closet was pretty small and I do have a lot of clothes... Slimline hangers were a life saver. These type of hangers are not as thick as regular hangers which let me hang so many more clothes in my closet.
{ Bed Bath & Beyond }

4.  Command hooks/ strips - These were another life saver for my roommate and I. A major thing that was important to us was decorating our room and hanging lots of pictures to make our tiny room feel like home. And since most colleges don't allow you to make holes in the wall, command strips helped us stick up those pictures. We also used command hooks around our room for random things like hanging up our towels or even to hang up long necklaces.

5.  Rug - This one seems a little more obvious but you'd be surprised by how many girls on my dorm floor who didn't have a rug. I had the advantage of buying a big area rug for my room through my school. This pretty much made our room a room "with carpet" which felt a lot more homey.

6.  Full length mirror - This is another obvious one but I wanted to be sure to include it because it's something I used numerous times a day. A full length mirror is much more useful then just a face mirror, because, well you can see your whole body! I always had so many girls in my room using my long mirror!

7.  Mini steamer - My friends and I got so much use out of my roommates mini steamer. Since we were not allowed to have irons in the dorm, our steamer was great for getting wrinkles out of our clothes, especially after unpacking all our clothes we had just brought to school with us.
{ Bed Bath & Beyond }

8.  Fan - You never know how your room temperature is going to be in your dorm. For me, our room was always so hot especially when everyone would get ready in there using curling irons and straighteners. Having a fan or even a mini fan keeps air circulating around the room when it's packed and keeps you cool at night.

9.  Planner/ Calendar - An important part of college is managing your time and staying organized and lucky for me, I've always been pretty good at this thanks to my yearly planners. Having some kind of planner or calendar will definitely help you keep your classes and social life organized.

10.  Shower shoes/ caddy - If your dorm is like mine was where you have to walk down the hall to the bathroom, having a shower caddy to carry all your belongings is a big help. Definitely don't forget shower shoes because even though the floors get cleaned, you never really know what's on them.

{ PB Teen }

11.  Brita - Our Brita was great for when we would run out of water bottles or to refill our Keurig. We would just fill it up with tap water and the Brita would filter out all the yucky stuff.

12.  Disinfecting wipes/ Paper towels/ Air freshener - Living in a dorm gets pretty messy because you do pretty much everything in there. Disinfecting wipes and paper towels are great for when something gets spilled. And some type of spray or plug in air freshener will help keep your room smelling fresh!

13.  Color catchers/ Stain remover - Color catchers were my life saver when doing my laundry. You never know when someone's pink sock will slip into your whites and ruin them. I would use a sheet with every load just incase something like this happened or if I might have missed something while sorting my clothes. A stain remover stick or spray is so helpful because stains will definitely happen...

14.  Extension cords - You never know where your outlets are going to be in your room so having extra extension cords are so helpful for everything you're going to need to plug in.

15.  Rain jacket - DO NOT FORGET THIS!! You don't realize how much help a rain jacket is until your walking around campus to your classes in pouring rain. Rain boats and an umbrella will probably help too. :)

Keep in mind this is NOT a full list of things to bring with you to school. There are so many more things you will need, these are just 15 things that are easily forgotten when packing so much stuff. What other important things are you packing this semester? Leave your helpful thoughts below!

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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Firecracker 4th of July Cake

With the Fourth of July right around the corner I thought I would make something delicious for the occasion. Of course I had to browse through Pinterest to get some ideas of how to decorate it. And here's what I came up with; a Red Velvet Firecracker Cake. Red Velvet has been my favorite type of cake for as long as I can remember. And I happen to have Red Velvet Cupcake mix in my pantry, so with my patriotic vision in mind, I turned the mix into a bundt cake.

Here are the ingredients used (minus the ones listed on the cupcake box).

I mixed the ingredients and baked the cake according to the directions on the box. I did however, have to adjust my cooking time given I wasn't making the cupcakes.

I let the cake cool and then it was time for the decorating. This was by far my favorite part. To get the firecracker look, I melted each icing in a bowl for about 45 seconds and then drizzled each color on the cake separately with a spoon. Be sure to heat up and drizzle on one icing at a time or the other 2 colors will harden again while your decorating. As your drizzling on the last color, in my case red, make sure to start pouring on the sprinkles so they stick to the icing before it hardens. It might help to get someone to do this for you. I had Clark pour on the sprinkles for me since that was the easiest part. :)

Happy Fourth!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

What's In My Makeup Bag

Whew! Feels like forever since my last blog post! With the end of my Freshman year getting busier and busier it was hard for me to find the time. But finally, I am back home for the summer, with more than enough time on my hands! YAYAY! So I thought I'd share will ya'll some of my favorite makeup products I use pretty much everyday! And what's even better, most of them are cheap and can be bought at a local drugstore! Here's what's in my makeup bag:

{ Maybelline BB Cream Light/Medium Sheer Tint | Maybelline Master Conceal 10 Fair }

I've never really liked using foundation, to me it looks caked on and I just don't like that look at all. That is why I use BB cream! It's basically tinted lotion so it gives my skin moisture while also giving it some color. I blend in the master concealer under my eyes and on any blemishes I may have at the time.

{ Milani Bronzer XL }

I use this Milani bronzer during the summer time when I'm tanner to help give my face a natural looking glow! I never use this in the winter time well because, I'm just not tan during the winter ya'll and it would be way too obvious!

{ NYX Finishing Powder }

This powder is AMAZING!! Seriously ya'll, I put this powder on all over my face once I'm completely done with my makeup and it makes my face look perfect!!! Definitely one of my favorite makeup products!

{ Maybelline Fit Me Blush 306 Deep Coral | Maybelline Dream Bouncy Cream Blush 70 Hot Tamale }

I've always been a blush person, it gives a nice pop of color to my face and I never leave the house without putting any one! Fit Me by Maybelline does the trick, but when I am going to be out some where for a long period of time, I'll use Maybelline's cream blush because it tends to last a lot longer then just powder blush! WARNING: put on a little of the cream blush at a time, it's a lot easier to add more than to take off a big glob of bright pink off your cheek!

{ Urban Decay NAKED 2 and NAKED 3 }

Naked Palettes unfortunately can't be bought at a drugstore, however it is definitely worth the purchase! These are the only types of eyeshadow I use! It lasts all day and comes with about 12 different shades to choose from! If you're looking for a cheaper option, I know Maybelline sells a nude palette similar to these.

{ Elf Cream Eyeliner }

I recently switched from using liquid eyeliner to cream eyeliner, and I couldn't be happier! It's a lot easier to get the right amount of thickness or thinness that I want or even create wings! Plus, Elf products are very cheap so this cost me about $4!

{ Younquie 3D Fiber Lashes }

This is a must have and another one of my absolute favorite makeup products! 3D Fiber Lashes increase your lash length by 400%! NOT JOKING! This stuff really works! All you do is apply a coat of your normal everyday mascara, let that dry and apply a coat of the transplanting gel, next swipe on the natural fibers and then add another coat of the transplanting gel to hold in the fibers! Sounds complicated I know, but it's not and it barely takes up any extra time. Hop on over to Younquie's website to see photos of real customers and their results or to buy! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! 

{ Maybelline 705 Blushing Bud | Lipstick Queen Wine Metal | Milani 14 Rose Hip }

These are my go-to lipsticks; at least one of them is on my lips at all times. Blushing Bud is a pinkish nude (it's hard to tell from the picture, I know) and is my everyday lipstick. It's almost the exact same color of my lips but a little brighter to give my lips an extra pop of color! Wine Metal was a gift from Clark which I love because it's a dark red. I've always been a fan of dark red rather than bright red when it comes to lips. And lastly, Rose Hip is just as fun as it's name! It's a fabulous bright pink which I wear during the spring or summer time and goes with almost everything I wear!

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love Knows No Distance | LDR Care Package

February is a big month for Clark and I. We celebrated my birthday on the 2nd, Valentine's Day today, our (3 year) anniversary on the 16th, and his birthday on the 17th (yes I'm older than him and I never let him forget it)! Since we both have just started back at school, there's no way for us to be with each other. It makes me a little sad because this is our first time not with each other for these special occasions. But, just because we're not together doesn't mean I can't shower him with gifts like I normally do; I'm a huge gift giver, what can I say!? For Christmas I got Clark a GoPro, so for all our celebrations this month I decided to make him one big gift that was a little more personal, well really it's a lot of little things in one big care package! Here's what I put inside:

First I made him Open When letters. Now these I have been wanting to make for awhile but never had the occasion, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to give them to him.

I'll share with you what I put inside some of them!

Open when you miss me ~ Inside I put a recent picture of us, a list of songs he can listen to when he's missing me and a spritz of my perfume on a small piece of paper.

Open when you're stressed out ~ Inside I put a bunch of notecards with different bible verses that he can look up and I also wrote a motivational letter to keep his spirits up!

Open when it's the day before you get to see me again ~ Inside I put a letter and LDR coupons that are redeemable when we're together. These I got from LDR Magazine online, I love this place because they have tons of free LDR printables!

{ Photo from }

Open when you need a laugh or a smile ~ Inside I put a few funny pictures of us from the past few years and I wrote funny quotes on note cards and put those inside as well. I have to share with you one of my favorite quotes because I just love it (haha LDR jokes)!

Open when you need to know how much I love you ~ This one is a little more simple, but it's definitely my favorite. Inside there is a love letter I wrote for Clark, just so he never forgets.

This is only some of what I put in the letters because a few are a little personal, but you get the idea! I love these because it's a way for me to be there with Clark when he's struggling or just needs a reminder that I'm always there for him.

Awhile back I had gotten Clark and I cute matching keychains, but his broke recently and with us being so far away from each other I thought I would get a new pair to replace them. I ordered these unique long distance keychains from Etsy! There were tons of LDR keychains to choose from, but I liked these the best! I kept the anchor for myself and I gave him the float. 

These are just fun little happy's I stuck in there! The Poo-Pourri spray is my favorite because Clark just loves this stuff and I find that so funny. He mentioned to me awhile ago that he was all out so I knew it would be a perfect edition to the package!

I also got him a TCU Tankard Stein from which he loved! I put a few of his favorite snacks in there as well as just a Valentine's, anniversary and birthday card. And I can't forget about his TCU painting I made for him, check out Getting Crafty for pictures. I decided to make the box a little more fun to open so I decorated is based on the different things we our celebrating! Here is the final product!

{ Left to right: Valentine's Day, LDR quote, our anniversary date, his Birthday }

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Getting Crafty

I promised I would post my paintings when I was finished and here they are! I planned on making a lot more, but I have had so much other stuff to do to get ready to go back to school so I didn't have enough time!

This TCU one is my favorite, it was so fun to paint for Clark!! I'm going to send it to him in a care package along with some other things and I can't wait to hear what he thinks about it! (Clark you better not be looking at this right now!)

I made this one to hang in my dorm room at school so every time I look at it I can think about Clark and how much he means to me! I have seen so many long distance paintings and other diy projects so I decided to make one for myself!

For this one I just started painting and decided what I was going to do as I went along. I picked some of my favorite colors and painted random strokes on the canvas. I let that dry and then I placed stickers down so I could paint the whole canvas again with one color and then peel away the letters to reveal the cool background! This one I just made for fun and hung in my room at home!

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Mood

Even though Clark just left a few days ago, I am already going crazy missing him. I know that seems silly because our time apart has just begun, but I keep thinking about how long we have to go and it makes me a little sad. I try to stay positive but it's hard when you're home all day by yourself with nothing to do. So I decided to come up with some things to keep me busy and so far they've worked!

Here are a few things to do to boost your mood when you miss your special someone:

1. Exercise ~ getting back into my gym routine after the holidays has really helped me keep my mind off things. I get into my workout "zone" and focus on what I'm doing and I feel better about myself when I'm done! Now if you're like me and hate to run, or if you even hate going to the gym, just taking a walk and really looking around at how beautiful our world is will put you in awe and keep those grateful thoughts around rather than the sad ones.

2. Listen to music ~ I know I've read somewhere that listening to happy music can improve your mood and whether that's true for everyone or not, it seems to really work for me! I try to listen to music as much as I can because I always find myself singing along and being in a happy mood.

3. Take a bubble bath ~ Taking a warm bubble bath is always very relaxing for me and since my dorm has community bathrooms with showers only, I'm trying to take as many baths as I can while I'm still home. Clark even gave me some bath suds for Christmas so I'm able to use my special gift from him every time I take a bath!

4. Bake ~ I love to bake any type of sweets and so far I've been making lots of gluten free snacks, which may or may not be a good thing :)

5. Paint ~ Painting as always been away for me to escape any of my problems or struggles so this has been a big help for me! To see what I painted for Clark view Getting Crafty.

6. Read funny quotes ~ Sometimes I need a good laugh and I will look up funny quotes on Pinterest! I even send some to Clark to make him smile!

7. Prayer book ~ One of my good friends gave me "The Bible Promise Book For Women." Inside it has many prayers under different categories. For example, if I wanted to pray for strength, I could look at prayers and bible verses specifically for that! This has been very helpful because I know that I can always count on praying for our relationship to help me feel better.

8. Plan a fun trip (if you can) ~ One of my friends that is still here in town invited me on a fun girls trip! We're going to the beach and to Universal Studios over Martin Luther King weekend. I am really looking forward to this and it has helped me realize how grateful I am to have such supportive and loving friends at home and away at school!

9. Watch your favorite movie or read a good book ~ I'm not much of a reader, but I'm a big movie person so I'm constantly watching Lifetime movies and my favorite shows on Netflix!

10. Ask someone else about what they're going through ~ Sometimes asking other people about what they're struggling with will help you realize that what you're worrying about or sad about isn't that big or it can reassure you that everyone struggles with something, just in different ways! This also gets me talking about how I miss Clark instead of holding all my feelings inside. And instead of this making me feel sad, my friends or family give me encouraging words which always improves my mood!

Just to clarify, by doing all of these things I am not trying to forget about Clark at all, I'm just keeping myself busy so I'm not focusing on how much I miss him and being sad all the time. Since most of my friends have gone back to school (besides the ones that are still in my hometown at FSU) I don't have that much to do at home anymore. I'm very excited and ready to go back to school because then I will be back in my school routine with all my friends and that will really help our time apart go by faster since I will be a lot busier.

I hope these tips will help you when you miss someone special or if you're just struggling and need to lift your spirits!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Saying Goodbye

Last night I had to say goodbye to my best friend...again. Yesterday was Clark and I's last day together this winter break, but we made the most of it. We started the day together by getting breakfast and ending the day with dinner and just spending time together. It was so hard saying goodbye like always; some how I thought it would start getting easier but it never does. I saw this quote and I know it's a little cliche, but it really is true and helped me feel a little bit better. I am very grateful to have such an amazing person in my life that I care so much about, that I love dearly, and that I miss so much when we're apart.

On a happy note, I am planning to go visit Clark this semester since he came to visit me last semester. I can't wait to see the TCU campus and to meet all his friends that I hear so much about! This really gives me something to look forward to and to help keep my spirits up! To see more on how I keep my spirits up check out 10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Mood.

One thing that I think really stinks about a LDR is that you aren't able to capture your memories together as your relationship grows. And since Clark and I don't get to see each other that often during the school year, we don't have very many opportunities to take pictures together, so we decided to take as many as we could yesterday!

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