Wednesday, February 15, 2017

15 Signs You're in a LDR

If you're in a Long Distance Relationship like me, then yesterday (Valentine's Day) wasn't as great for you as it is for most couples. Yes, of course I was reminded of how much I love my boyfriend but I was also reminded about the fact that I was not with him. Not being together on a day filled with love just stinks. Seeing posts of everyone with their S.O. on that special day also stinks. But, just like any other celebratory day apart in a LDR you have to make the most of it and not dwell on the fact that you're not together. Throughout the day I found myself getting sadder and sadder because I missed him so much. It was affecting my whole day...until I received a special surprise. Flowers from my favorite person. Even though Clark is 600 miles away he still managed to make me feel so special. LDRs are hard and a person can't truly understand what it's like unless they are in one themselves. So I decided to make a list for all those LDRs out there! Can you relate?

1. Your phone calls or FaceTime calls fail because of bad service
2. Receiving a gift in the mail brightens up your whole week
3. You count down the days, minutes, and seconds until you get to see each other again
4. You have to work around each others schedule for planning when to talk or schedule trips
5. Seeing their name pop up on your phone makes you smile so big
6. You don't need to have elaborate plans when you see them because just being together is enough
7. People ask you if you're still together and you sometimes hear negativity about LDRs
8. You keep your phone charged all the time so you can text or call them whenever they can
9. You never have to dress up for class
10. You have a ton of pictures of them in your room
11. Seeing a couple holding hands makes you missing your S.O. even more
12. Missing a phone call or FaceTime from them is one of the worst feelings
13. You have to take a friend to functions that your S.O. can't make
14. You tell them about every detail of your day so it's almost like they were there
15. They are your favorite hello and your worst goodbye

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